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Main Studies

2020 - Laban For Actors with Mike Alfred, London

2019/2018  Hard Core Training - Cristina Pezzoli 

Studio Pime Milano.

2017/2012 Schott Acting Studio, Berlin
(Uta Hagen Method, Character Work, Animal work)
Teacher: Henry Paul Miller, Christopher Fettes,

Giles Foreman, Liana Nyquist

London Drama Centre


2014/2013 Camera Acting

(recitazione cinematografica)
Teacher: Stefania De Santis - Rome


2013/2012  Improvvisazione e Drammaturgia

(Dramaturgy and Improvisation )
Teacher: Francesco Brandi


2012/2011 The Giles Foreman Centre for Acting 
London Drama Centre
(Yat Malmgren + Rudolph Laban methods for Actors -

Movement Psychology method)
teachers: Christopher Fettes, Giles Foremann, Liana Nyquist

from London Drama Centre


2012 Il Dialogo Attore-Regista 

(The Director-Actor's Dialogue)
teachers: Silvio Soldini, Giuseppe Battiston


2012/10 Bob McAndrew’s Studio on Camera Acting, Paris 

(recitazione cinematografica) 
(Meisner , Strasberg , M.Cechov methods)
teacher Bob McAndrew


2010/08 AKT-ZENT International Theatre Centre, Berlin 
Europen Association for Theater Culture (EATC)
Research Centre of

ITI-UNESCO training and education Committee -
teacher JurijAlschitz


2012/2011 Vulnerability International
(Vulnerability in Acting and reacting)
teacher Benoit Felix-Lombard


2012/2011 The Gesture's Word
(Mime workshops)
teacher Bärbel Kandziora


2013/09 TheAtro - Improvvisational Acting School

Scuola Italiana di Improvvisazione Teatrale

(Improvvisation Tecnique, Dramaturgy, Biography of the Character, Long Forms)


2010 Bernard Hiller's MasterClass - Paris, France 
teacher Bernard Hiller


2007 Commedia dell'Arte International
(Commedia dell'Arte , Mask work)
teacher Fabio Mangolini


2007 The Imaginary Body 
(Body Contact, Tango, Movementimprovvisation)
teacher Javier Cura


2003/07 La Bottega del Teatro
(Theater Acting School)
teacher Franco Mescolini

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